Thursday, September 30, 2010

        Asia is a rocky land form.There are many diffrent little country in Asia like,Hong Kong Afgahnistan, India and so much more. I just cant name them all haha. But there is also some fun stuff to do in there like India is a very fun place well at least that what i here cause i have never been there but i want to go there. And they also have some really serios places there like Afgahnistan that is one of the places were they have war and That is one place were i will never want to go.  And asia is also i really big place it cover 8.6 percent of the world that pretty big for just one country. Approxmently 4 billion people live there WOW that must be so crowded im not sure if i would want to live there tough. But all in all Asia seems like a pretty cool place maybe some day i will vist there?


  1. Great job providing an overview of Asia. Next time maybe pick one country that is within Asia and look for a current news article about that country.

    Please remember to title your blog posts as well. This time it cost you 5 points.
